
Seeded Grapes?

What a let down. With the economic crunch hitting everyone, shopping at big box stores is all the rage. Since I am broke, Costco is great place to go. We had a slice of pizza and a drink for less than $3 each. Plus, going during the week avoids those that make Costco samples into a lunch and we were able to get some stuff and get out fast. Picked up the new Malcolm Gladwell book, which I can't wait to read, but will have to wait until after finals.

Costco also had a Belgium beer case with three of my favorites: Hoegaarden, Stella, and Leffe! Those will help me out during finals...

Unfortunately, all the great things that I got for the coming weeks were ruined when I ate my first grape from the jumbo box that we got. I love grapes, they are amazing to me. You can eat them plain, make them into a spread, make wine out of them, use them in a salad, or just throw them at people. But what I hate are seeds. So I ask, who eats seeded grapes?

How are you supposed to enjoy grapes when you have to pull the seeds out of the grape to enjoy them. Eating the seeds just ruins the great flavor and texture that the grape offers. I do not want a chore when I am eating a snack, especially when the snack is so small.

And how about the inconsistency with how many seeds are in each grape? What gives with that? I find 3 in one and think my search is complete, only for the one that got away to ruin my delicious snack. It's not like eating a watermelon with seeds where the seeds are big enough to decipher between the actual tasty watermelon and the seed. These things are tiny. At least with olives that have pits, you know you are only getting one big stone to eat around. Plus you easily hold or place the discarded olive stone into a dish, all the while continuing to enjoy more.

So next time, I suppose I must be more diligent when looking at what grapes I am buying. In other news, using a blackberry and snorting cocaine does in fact support the terrorists, as has been made very clear by news of what went on in India. Thus, the term "crackberry" can never be looked at in the same light. And to think that those that used cocaine and blackberry's were once considered the "leaders" of wall street... Great advertising for a holiday iPhone!

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