
Cycle of Discrimination

I hope that my posts will evolve into other topics, but I am still pissed off about this whole Prop. 8 deal, or as others have described it, Prop. H8te. I remember studying about how discrimination "bounces' around and this is a clear indication that there is some truth to this. Thinking about the history of the United States, discrimination and hate has been passed on through generation and has been laid on many different nationalities and races. Again, this country was created due to people being fed up with religious persecution, yet we are allowing that to come full circle here. Think about the early 1900's, and how each immigrant group was labeled as trash or inferior, and then once that class assimilated, the next wave felt the same scorn. As this melting pot expanded, those who were once treated as second class citizens were now the ones discriminating against the new immigrants. The Irish were trash, then became accepted. The Italians were discriminated, and then people ate pizza and welcomed them. Thinking about discriminating against Italians or Irish people nowadays is absurd, especially considering that the US celebrates St. Patrick's day more than Ireland does. The bottom line is that this cycle of discrimination continues to bounce around and it seems that homosexuals are now the biggest victims. Black people and Latinos have long been discriminated against, however with progress, this discrimination is waning and acceptance has occurred throughout the US. Not to say that bigotry is dead, but there has definitely been a welcomed movement against discrimination against Blacks and Latinos.
For two groups who have felt so much discrimination, why then would you choose to discriminate against others? Why is it that 70% of the Black and Latino vote go in favor of banning gay marriage?

It is clear that when people feel that they have been accepted, they tend to act like those who they are accepted by. Think about high school and growing up. Anytime you got to hang with the "cool kids", you quickly forgot about your true friends. Hollywood movies show these situations often, where an "outsider" or dare I say "Maverick?" is accepted by a bigger group and leaves their roots behind, only to soon realize that they were wrong for following.
I hope that people who have felt discrimination in their life can relate to what this proposition is doing to everyday people. Think about that for a second, when have you been discriminated against? Was it because of your race, sex, physical appearance, or some other characteristic of you? How did that make you feel and what did you want to do about it? If you felt upset and wanted to discriminate against others, then I have nothing more to say to you, as you are content with continuing this hate cycle. If you felt upset and wanted to never feel that way again, then stop this cycle and stop allowing further discrimination. Allowing gay people the same rights that all citizens posses is a great start!


Chad said...

Don't forget that whites were not allowed to marry non-whites. It was considered immoral and a health hazard. Pretty ridiculous.

JordonH said...

Well hold on. A couple points here. One, what if the "cool kids" were your true friends. In that case the other people truly were losers. Second, are gays really people? Good question I know. That makes it tough to really see how "equality for all" applies. Please address these points in future blogs.